Troll Chart

Warning: incomplete

This page is a work in progress. Check back later for more info.

fantrols and all their relationships. certified worst way to map out character relationships. this is gonna suck but im gonna write this all into html anyways.

troll line-up

Table of Contents
  1. The Chart

The Chart

X- havent met

Left column's perspective of top row, if that makes sense.

- Falool Klipsi Heavel Charit Papili Edisup Leehom Sixxis Zplend Rhyder
Falool - Acquainted, neighbors Used to be friends :( Have met, Charit was not interested Moirail ♢ Good friends, has a red crush ♡ X Good friends, bond over both being softies X, has heard of from Sixxis X, has heard of her tho
Klipsi Acquainted, neighbors - Matesprit ♡ Share a friend but are NOT friends that is a cryptid Have met X Met dreamself X Internet friends
Heavel Used to be friends ♤ >:/ Matesprit ♡ - Have met, not a fan of the highblood suck-up Met, still mostly a cryptid Asshole. X A nice highblood? Suspicious. Hates that guy so much. Would hate, but she's friends with Klipsi, so undecided
Charit Met, not worth associating with Have met Have met - Have fought with ♤? Guy in the woods that is frustratingly hard to track "Friends" why are you small Has to be nice to this guy to avoid dying Matesprit ♡
Papili Moirail ♢ ? ? Scary. ♤? - Friend! X Friend! X X
Edisup Good friends, she's little much sometimes Have met ? Deliberately avoids Also avoiding Good friends, both live out in the wilderness - Met like once. Friends sorta X, has heard a lot from Sixxis "Hasn't met"
Leehom X X X Maybe friends? Kind of? X Met like once - Boss hates that guy so he has to also Matesprit ♡ and also boss Kind of scared of her
Sixxis Good friends, bond over being softies Met dreamself X, has heard of from others you can't just ask him why he's small :| Friends, strange but nice Friends, a cool guy Sad they can't be friends cause of Zplend - He's fine (lying) ♤ Legally can't have negative opinions
Zplend X X X Rhyder's little pet X X Matesprit ♡ Hates that little traitor ♤ but he makes good money - Distant sibling-like relationship, sort of hate each other
Rhyder X, not yet Internet friends! X, has heard of from Klipsi Matesprit ♡ X Anonymously hires for robot things Acquainted Acquainted, likes his show Distant sibling-like relationship, sort of hate each other -