Red | |
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Pronouns: | she/her |
Species: | Ghost (fragment), Werewolf |
Red is one of The Sages, living within Sage. She's the red one with dog ears.
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Red is a humanoid ghost with solid red eyes. She has tan skin and spikey brown hair that gets darker at the ends. She has rosy cheeks and freckles along her cheeks. She's stuck in a partially shifted state, with large wolf ears, sharp teeth, a tail, and a dog nose. She becomes more wolf-like when upset. She wears a long gray coat, gray boots, dark gray pants, and fingerless gloves. She also has a red scarf around her neck.
Red is driven by her emotions. She is passionate, loud, and difficult to control. She loves to fight, both with words and actions. Despite this, she does care for the others, especially Sage and Blue, and is fiercely protective. She does a lot of that "hey, I'm the only one who can bully that person" thing. Red doesn't appreciate being reduced to only her anger, and often feels remorseful after taking something too far.
Red is in charge of combat, with fighting skills equivalent to Sage but more vicious. She can use the daggers, but will use her hands or teeth when she deems it more convenient. As a ghost, Red is able to shift into her wolf form, usually when experiencing big emotions.
Red's shifting does not translate when she's in control of the body, but her animalistic qualities still find their way through what Sage already has. Red will move the ears to their full expressive capability, twisting them up and down as necessary. The tail also does a lot more flicking, though Red never gets used to how long Sage's tail is compared to hers.

As fragments, the sages remember little of their lives. From what Red remembers, she lived in the countryside with a large family. From trial-and-erroring through Red's tech knowledge, they've figured out she's from around the Middle Ages. Her accent implies she's British, but Red doesn't recognise any country names the others throw at her. She has some lingering anxiety around people seeing her wolf form, but this has faded through her time as a ghost.
Red died via a gunshot wound to the heart during some kind of violent disagreement, possibly a riot or mob. It likely took a few minutes for blood loss to take her, which is long compared to some of the others.
Red was the first of the sages to join Sage and Grey. Her arrival was violent and entirely unexpected, but she adjusted quickly to the situation once it was explained to her. She spends most of her freetime relaxing, "eating" (they're ghosts, it's not real food. she literally just eats for fun), and teasing the others. She's the only other one that likes to "sleep" like Sage does sometimes. Red's happy to tag along with whatever Sage gets up to, as long as there's an opportunity to fuck around.
Red and Sage are fairly similar people, just similar enough to get along really well. Sage tends to listen to Red's input the most of any of the sages. Red's suggestions are mostly starting fights, standing up for themselves, and if things start going even a little poorly, murder. Likewise, if Sage decides firmly against Red's ideas, there's a fair chance Red will actually listen and back off. On the rare moments the two do fight, though, they fight hard. Lots of teeth.
Red and Grey don't talk much anymore. Red's main method of interaction is aggression, which Grey does not enjoy. The two used to be closer, but drifted apart after Yellow's arrival made Red more violent. Red does her best to give Grey space, but will snap at her if Grey tries to interrupt something. Red would listen better if Grey was more assertive, but she's only getting meeker.
Red and Yellow are constantly butting heads. If one of them says anything, the other will come up with something against it. Red thinks Yellow is a pompous know-it-all (correct) and will disagree simply because Yellow is so bossy about her opinions. The two can coordinate in case of emergencies, but it does not happen often. They have more in common than they'd think, but they're too deep in the rivalry to back off now.
Blue is the only person Red listens to better than Sage. If Blue starts something, Red is likely to take their side. The two have similar short-term motivations, but very different moral codes, which is where disagreements can happen. Blue a lot more modern-day savvy than Red, so they're usually the ones to explain tech and things to Red. She loves listening to Blue's rambles, even if Red only picks up like half of it. They are unofficially dating.
- Red's older designs were constantly covered in blood. I kept some blood-splatter texture in her hair.
- Red's hair poofs up and gets extra spikey when she's mad or scared, like a dog raising its hackles.
- I'm gonna include fun facts for all the other sages about what animal they're associated with but. does that need to be a fun fact for this one. i think you can figure it out.
- She's trans.
- Red's character playlist
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