Ghosts (Sage)

Warning: incomplete

This page is a work in progress. Check back later for more info.


ghost clip art 👍

Ghosts are a category of undead beings. Merriam-Webster defines ghost as "the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness", if that helps.

Table of Contents
  1. Basic Information
    1. The Void
  2. Types of Ghosts
    1. Keaper
    2. Fragment
    3. Shade
  3. Known ghosts

Basic Information

Ghosts are the remnants of energy left behind when someone dies. This energy sticks around better the more violent, emotional, or unexpected. This means the living being requires a certain level of consciousness to become a ghost, so theoretically a plant could be a ghost, but it'd be real difficult. Ghosts will appear as their associated color*, most notably with their "blood" becoming that color, even if they had normal red blood when alive.

Because ghosts are essentially made entirely of memory, a ghosts mental state has a huge impact on their physical form. Remembering an injury (or the emotions associate with that injury) will cause it to appear on their body (as a scar, if the memory is faded or properly moved on from, or as an open wound, if the memory is fresh).

The Void

The Void is a space outside of time and space. This is where Azzy was banished when he was killed. He's found methods of dragging other ghosts into the Void with him, and from there can do what he wants with them. The Void seems to allow access to multiple dimensions and points across time.

Types of Ghosts


Sage and Ethan, both keapers.

Keapers are a special type of ghost that get physical bodies and can enter the material world at will. The word is a portmanteau of "keep" and "reaper", a name for them coined by Azzy. He seems to be the only one able to make these.

Despite being physical, their bodies still act similarly to how they would as a ghost. They lack organs, instead being made entirely of a substance refered to as 'ectoplasm'. This substance will solidify and shift as needed, even being used to create weapons, but will melt and disappear if not focused on.


Fragments are ghosts than have lost significant amounts of their memories, and thus their physicality. Some amount of memory loss is normal for ghosts, but fragments are most caused by outside influence, like Azzy.

Normally, fragments will appear as particularly faded or vague versions of themselves, with limbs or other features missing completely.


Azzy, a shade.

A shade is the ghost created when a chroma dies. Chroma are a race of immortal beings, and it is very difficult to kill them. Because they're not meant to die, their death will always create a ghost and that ghost will be incredibly powerful.

Known Ghosts

  1. Sage (keaper)
  2. Ethan (keaper)
  3. Red (fragment)
  4. Yellow (fragment)
  5. Blue (fragment)
  6. Grey (shade)
  7. Azzy (shade, used to be a fragment?)
* I realize I haven't mentioned this anywhere else cause it's not really important: in this universe everyone has a color. This color usually isn't presented physically anywhere, but everyone innately knows their color and are drawn to it. Including one's color in their dress is expected, but some people dress differently or hide their colors for various reasons. Creatures tend to be even more connected to their colors, due to their closer connections to magic. Magic and colors are thought to be connected but that's a whole other thing. I'll make a page on magic someday.