Zplend Papall

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Zplend Papall

Pronouns: he/him, they/them
Blood color: violet
Classpect: Prince of Rage
Lunar suit: Swords

Zplend Papall is a violet-blood fantroll based on The Emperor and The Hierophant tarot cards. Here is his Homestuck-style 2nd-person introduction:

"Your name is ZPLEND PAPALL. Your pronouns are HE/THEY, and NOT in a “royal we” sort of way.

"You run the COASTAL CASINO, the number one spot for BAD DECISIONS in all of Alternia, which makes you basically KING around here! You don’t participate in any GAMBLING yourself, but you love the EXCESSIVE RICHES you’ve gained from others’ gambling addictions! When you aren’t busy buying FANCY JEWELRY and USELESS TRINKETS, you usually pass the time PICKING FIGHTS and PUNISHING SINNERS DEBTORS. Your bodyguard/matesprit LEEHOM doesn’t approve, but who’s he to stop you? You’ve already lost TWO LIMBS from this lifestyle, what’s a few more! You're usually very popular among the MURDER CLOWNS you employ as both ENTERTAINMENT and SECURITY, except for that LITTLE ONE who's currently your kismesis.

"you uzually dont give a zhit about grammar and quirkz while typing. Unless, of courze, you’re sending out an impor♰an♰ message ♰o your beloved clien♰ele~ Can’♰ forge♰ your trademark ♰’s! (your uze of z’s, on the other hand, iz inconsiztant.)"

Table of Contents
  1. Profile
    1. Appearance
    2. Personality
    3. Abilities
    4. Other Info
  2. Relationships
    1. Leehom Mestik
    2. Rhyder Waytar
    3. Sixxis Sexton
  3. Design Process
  4. Trivia
  5. Gallery


Zplend and Leehom's fullbody


Zplend is a seadwelling violet-blooded troll. Their smooth black hair goes past their shoulders with swooping bangs. His left horn points up, while his right points down. Zplend's fin ears droop, weighed down by all of his gold ear piercings. They wear violet eyeliner and dark eyeshadow. His teeth are sharp and his tongue is forked. Zplend lost large portions of both his legs, and has robotic replacements that resemble armour. His sign is displayed on the calf of his left leg. The webbing between Zplend's fingers is mostly removed, so he can wear rings.

Zplend's typical outfit is a violet vest over a black collared shirt, short black trousers, black dress shoes, and a violet cape. Zplend also wears an exessive amount of gold rings. Zplend's favorite gold earrings are made to match his sign.



Other Info


Leehom Mestik

Rhyder Waytar

Sixxis Sexton

Design Process

"Zplend" was originally derived from "betta splendens", the scientific name for betta fish. It comes from the Latin "splendere", meaning "shining", which is also root of the the word "splendid". "Papall" is an extention of "papal", meaning "of or relating to the pope". The papal cross is the 3-bar cross symbol found on the Rider-Waite deck's Heirophant card. Zplend's sign is a mix of the papal cross and the Ankh scepte found on The Emperor card. The armored legs of the Emperor are also the inspiration for Zplend's robotic legs. Zplend's horns are making the "as above so below" gesture, which is actually more popularly represented on The Magician card



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