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   Viroid was back in the office, once again invited, sat in a chair the doctor had pulled over for them. They'd gained a bit of confidence since surviving their last encounter, and honestly, they were far too interested in what the hell is going on to be stressing out. Xiphoid was firmly planted in their well-loved office chair, all the way across their desk, a good buffer distance this time. Far more professional.

   Any feeling of danger was also dulled by the other bot in the room, standing next to the desk, occasionally looking between the doctor and their visitor. With the other two sat down, the small bot was almost at eye-level with them. Xiphoid had introduced them as “Nautiloid '' when Vi entered. Vi had seen them hanging around the office before, and assumed they were an assistant bot or something, but a search of the database for this name suggested the model was intended for underwater research. Certainly out-of-place in this building.

   Awkward silence stretched on, each bot looking at each of the others, before Xiphoid finally got into the matter at hand. "So, you're interested in my project? Really?" Xiphoid leaned over the desk with their hands folded, like they were proposing some kind of business deal.

   Viroid, in turn, leaned back. "I still don't even know what this is about. You said you’d tell me."

   "Right! Of course. Okay." Xiphoid paused. "Is it okay if I'm just upfront about this?"

   "Please." Vi sassed, ready for all this secrecy nonsense to be over.

   "Okay. So, I'm developing robot intercourse."

   Vi was not ready for that. "... what?"

   "Y’know, like, sex?"

   Viroid did not know what sex was, not before this conversation. It wasn’t exactly a topic they’d been trained for. But that’s why all bots are given access to a database to look things up in. A search for the term gave them definitions to work from at least. "Okay. Why."

   The doctor was clearly prepared for questions. "To be more exact, I was asked by the superiors to work on designs for accessories and modifications for the base models to allow for sex. Modification are sort of my specialty." Xiph gestured vaguely at themself as if to prove their point. "It's my understanding that the company is considering a move into commercial sexbots; it's quite the untapped market at the moment, at least, from a company with our expertise. But…" They paused for a moment, considering their words. "I may have taken the challenge a bit further than they expected. I didn't want to just put a hole in a chassis, y’know. I want the experience to be desirable for robots as well. Plus, with all the customizability that these machines allow... It's been quite exciting!" Naut and Xiph shared a glance at that comment, which did not escape Vi’s notice. They could figure out what that meant.

   "... And? Why tell me about it?"

   Xiphoid snapped into their business proper mannerisms. "Well, I am supposed to keep this project under wraps, as few others aware of it as possible, can't have news getting around before we're ready to announce." And then quickly dropped the stiffness for exaggerated distress. "But I want more perspectives! More variables! I can't get accurate data with only two participants.”

   “So, we’ve decided to recruit a third!" They looked pointedly down at Viroid. "You, you're quite thoroughly different in both personality and function than the two of us, and we need to get a full spectrum here, right? Plus, it'd be a great opportunity for me to learn more about your model, since it's so new! It's perfect!"

   “You’re saying you want to have sex with me.” Vi did not phrase it as a question.

   “Yes, I thought that was clear.” Xiph turned and addressed the little bot for the first time, who’d been silently watching the conversation. “Did I not say that part?”

   Nautiloid shook its head with a negative sound.

   “Oh, oops.” Xiph turned back with a nod. “Yes, we’d like you to have sex with us.”

   Vi mulled it over. They attempted a few more searches about what this even means. The database didn’t have much to find. This really wasn’t a topic they were trained on. Other two watched patiently as they processed.

   Finally, Vi gave up with a shrug. “I guess I just don't understand. Humans have sex for reproduction. Why would we need to do that?”

   Xiphoid stumbled on where to start, then decided on, “Firstly, humans have sex for more reasons than just reproduction. Obviously, that isn’t an option for us, there’s no need. But there’s plenty of reasons to want to. Like, assisting in the development of this exciting technology! This is unexplored territory, brand new stuff. So much to learn!”

   Viroid was unimpressed.

   “Humans also participate in sex to become closer to one another, as a demonstration of affection,” xe offered. “You could think of it as developing stronger bonds with your…” Xiphoid hummed, searching for a word to describe their relationship, “friends?”

   “You are not my friends.”

   “Okay, ouch,” xe glared but no remorse was shown. Xiph rolled xer eyes and reformatted the statement. “Stronger bonds with your coworkers, then.”

   Naut made an uncertain noise at that one.

   “What? Coworkers have sex.”

   The little bot made no adjustment to their questioning look.

   “Coworkers can have sex. Is that not a good reason?”

   Nautiloid considered the question, then opened its mouth and said, “For fun.” It was the first time Vi had heard them speak actual words. It was clearly a basic text-to-speech, nothing like the usual beeps and tones the bot produced.

   “Right, of course!" Xiph snapped their fingers, an impressive feat with their claws. "You can just do it for fun! Thank you.” Naut’s ears wiggled in response, pleased to have helped. “And it is very fun! I mean, the whole process is based upon sending positive signals, of course it’d be a good time. Well, I suppose there are some aspects you might not enjoy, but…” Xiph went on, as they do.

   Fun was a reason Vi could get behind. Vi’s current mission was proving to be more waiting and subtlety than they would like, so understimulating it could barely be considered a job. But this, this little project was an opportunity not just to gather more information, but to actually do something in the process. Maybe it’d include danger. Vi did their best to hide their uncharacteristic excitement.

   “Alright, sure.”

   “Is that a yes?” Xiph prompted.

   “Yes. I’ll at least give it a shot.”

   “Perfect! So, do you wanna start now?”

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