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    True to their word, the doctor continued much slower, and gave a thorough explanation at each step. "I activated the table magnets, they're just to stop you from slipping off. You won't really need them once you're in maintenance mode. I need to open your chest panel to turn it on, though, like this-"

    Ziphoid popped the panel off expertly, so fast Vi barely flinched, and handed it off to their hair to set aside. This was a new view for Vi. It was surprisingly organized, lines of wires and glowing tubes running out to each of their extremities, and underneath those, peeks of the steel structure holding them all together. And right in the center, connected to it all, was their core. It was only then that Viroid really processed it as the complicated device it was, churning away at a steady pace.

    Rather than look at any of this, Xiphoid pointed at a miniscule switch on the bottom of their chest cavity. "And this is your maintenance switch! It's a little thing we repair bots can turn on to lock your joints, so you don't go wiggling around while I'm working on you." Vi took note of its position, listening carefully to the doctor's teaching. Vi watched them flick the little switch with a long finger. It didn't feel like anything had changed. They tried testing it by wiggling a finger, but sure enough, nothing responded. "It'll turn off your 'pain' response as well," Xiph continued as they settled into xer work. "Other than that, vision and communication and everything should work fine!"

    For the first time since Vi’d walked in, the doctor was silent. Absorbed into the task of removing each piece, careful to keep everything important attached, taking note of what goes where. Vi finally started to relax as they watched the meticulous process.

    They couldn’t be sure how much time had passed, but Viroid had thoroughly zoned out by the time the silence was finally interrupted. "I never had that nervous phase with maintenance," Xiph stated aloud, as if they'd been in the middle of a conversion. Vi looked up at the doctor, but xer eyes were still trained on xer task. The intense focus from earlier had lessened, and Vi noted in retrospect that xe had stopped blinking for a while. It didn’t seem like the doctor was exactly looking for a response, but Vi took the invitation for chatter anyway.

    “I’m not surprised.”

    Xiphoid grinned down at the mess of wires. “I’m definitely fine with it now, yeah. But back then, it was just because I didn’t feel anything. By the time I did feel, maintenance was just a regular thing. Probably for the best it worked out that way.”

    Viroid’s screen displayed a question mark, unable to express much else, locked up as they were. “What, like. They activated you without emotions?”

    “They activated me without a lot of things.” Xiph pulled out a mechanical piece Vi didn’t recognize and studied it closely, perhaps considering. Then continued, “Did you know I was a prototype?”

    “Uh, no,” Viroid lied. They’d just read through Xiphoid’s files earlier in the day. They knew quite a few things about Xiphoid. It hadn’t mentioned anything about this seemingly unorthodox activation, though. There was certainly more to hear if they played dumb. “You were?”

    “Mm-hm! First of my design,” The doctor beamed, as if very proud of the metal piece they’d just delicately placed aside. “I was built to build, to repair, to do everything my creators did and more, so instead of trying to program all that, the team just woke me up and taught me. They taught me everything I know.” Xiphoid’s hands stalled for a moment, pausing to think. Then they continued just as energetic as before. “Including emotions! Hence, the lack of a fear response at first. I just didn’t know how to be scared.”

    “Huh.” Viroid recalled what they had learned already from the files. Fancy hair mechanics, custom modifications, they found an exact number for that awkward height. The file had mentioned the prototype thing, it was hardly a secret. The company had loved bragging about their special new bot when it was in development. In fact, Xiphoid's programming was one of the specific mechanic's Viroid was sent to investigate. Was learning all this top secret info really as easy as just sitting and talking with the bot? Sure, they are in pieces at the moment, but they didn't seem to be in any actual danger. Xiph must know so many company secrets, and they're perfectly fine handing them out?

    "How come you haven't been shut down yet?" Vi's mouth started before they finished processing (or, more accurately, their voicebox did. their mouth joints were still frozen. but the effect was the same).

    Xiphoid's movements paused at the comment. Xe stared off, processing something, or maybe just collecting xerself. Vi couldn't quite read xer face from the odd angle.

    Uncertain, Vi tried to backpedal a bit. "I just meant. It's a bit reckless, isn't it? To leave you running around-"

    Xiph suddenly turned to Vi’s face, making eye contact with the bot in pieces below them. Vi was grateful their limbs were locked, or they might’ve knocked all their machinery off the table by jumping. Even as the Xiphoid stared into them, the expression was still illegible. It was blank, but in a very purposeful manner, perfectly default. "What do you mean by that?" xe asked, voice betraying hints of their suppressed emotion. Anger. Vi had struck a nerve.

    "I mean- It seems like. A security issue, you know?" Xiph's expression actually shifted a bit. Vi went on, "Because. Prototypes are part of the development process? Insider design details, out in the open. Just security bot stuff."

    "Ah." Xiph was far more relaxed by the time Vi had given their full explanation. It was a bit more honest about their thought process than Vi had intended. But Xiph just seemed... relieved? Situation diffused. The doctor looked thoughtfully down at their work. They spoke at a low volume, "I’m the best maintenance bot this company has. They rely on me too much to have me shut down at this point."

    Xiph glanced back at their patient, playful expression finally returned. "Besides, I don't think the company is worried about me getting stolen or anything like that."

    "No?" Vi was happy to return this energy. "Well, I guess you're right. Nothing to worry about with bots like me around. Keeping an eye on you."

    Xiph just grinned at the response, this time clearly showing off their teeth on purpose. "I appreciate the offer, security bot, but I'm quite capable of handling myself." They gestured down at Viroid's empty torso and the vital tech arranged beside it. "I may be built for fixing bots, but I'm just as good at taking things apart."

    Xe had a point. Viroid was sure to note down this information. Seems their earlier fear wasn't entirely unwarranted.

    There was a prolonged silence before Xiphoid processed why xe hadn't gotten a response. "Ah, sorry! Not a good conversation topic for surgery, is it. Ha ha." Xiphoid dropped into silence again and went back to moving pieces around. Viroid just focused on trying to relax again.

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