The Sages DDLC au


Sage is the "player character" singing, Grey is Sayori, Yellow is Natsuki, Red is Yuri, Blue is Monika!

I've been drawing more art of this au lately, here's some chibis :]

this is a long one so i'm doing it a little at a time


I walk to school with my best friend

 Sage chilling at a street crossing, waiting, staring into the distance.

Surprise, surprise, she's late again

 Grey runs up, trying to tell Sage something.

She's got a club she wants me in

 omg a literature club! who would have thought!

Don't think I've ever raised a pen

 Sage looks confused, trying to remember something

I'll consider it, sure,

 Sage shrug

No fan of literature

Books with less pictures than words

Leave me a little bit bored

 sage can't read

But hey, they promised cupcakes

 but sage loves snacks!

So it's a chance that I'll take

Four gorgeous girls await me

 omg women. too bad sage is aromantic lol

Okay, I think that I'll stay

 Sage is pressured into staying anyways


ghost student roll call!

Sayori's aloof and kooky

 Grey looks nervous and uncomfortable.

Natsuki's sweet and cutesy

 Yellow looks refined but friendly. Personality-wise more like Yuri.

Yuri is deep and brooding

 Red looks like a brooding teen. Personality-wise more like Natsuki. This swap will make sense later.

Monika's brains and beauty

 Blue goofy moments :]

There's a festival needs planning

Swear I won't leave them hanging

 erm. grey has something to say. blue gives her a look tho.

So many clubs to rival us

I guess it's just the five of us

 all 5 scrunched together in a classroom. chillin.


Just the five of us

 club antics montage! like the cookie scene!

We can make it if we try

 sage reading a book upsidedown. silly!

But each day that passes by

 grey keeps trying to get sage's attention

Is tearing pages from my mind

 sage tries to listen to grey and gets a headache

Just the five of us

 ha ha yeah back to club antics!

No escaping if I tried

 sage isnt having fun anymore :( gets up to leave

Though these maidens might seem kind

 Blue has noticed.

There's something going on behind

 Flashes of Red Yellow Grey starting to fall apart

They looked so sad and lonely

 Grey gets pulled aside by Blue

I sold my soul for poetry

 Sage sees Grey die.

This hell is members only

Why did I say Okie-Doki?


Rewind break! Sage forgets all that!


I walk to school alone again

 Sage waiting, but for who?

I'm not a guy with many friends

 Sage is sad, but not sure why.

I've got no club, I've time to spend

So I read manga and stay in

I run into Monika

 Blue is there now!

Says that I should just join hers

 omg a literature club!

It's a club for books with words

 Sage tries to refuse

But they need some more members

I say okay

 Sage shrug, sad edition

I'll come along for just one day

But just you try and get away

When three gorgeous girls beg you to stay

 The club is much less cheery this time but they make Sage stay because they need the members.


roll call... two!

S̴̜̙̆ ̶͓̐͑ȧ̵̙̉ ̸̻̐y̴̱̲̍ ̴̩͐o̶̝̬͘ ̸̦͌̕r̷̖̺͂ ̵̨̤̀ḭ̸̃ ̴̧͊̄'̵̨̏ ̴͔̍s̵͔͔͌̄

 Hm? Who's that?

Natsuki's brutish cutesy

 Yellow is distant and rude.

Yuri is too into me

 Red is very enthusiastic and all about Sage now.

Monika's brains and beauty

 Blue's still goofy :]

It's almost festival time

Could say we're cutting it fine

 Red grins like this is funny, Yellow looks uncomfortable.

The task may seem laborious

I wonder where Sayori is?

 Sage tries to look around but gets a headache

I guess it's just the four of us

 Classroom shot but its got an empty spot :(


Just the four of us

 club antics montage! Sage mostly looks confused

We can make it if we try

 Red is mostly just dragging Sage around

But each day that passes by


Is tearing pages from my mind

 More headaches! Red is getting kinda scary :/

Just the four of us

 Yellow distracts Red from bugging Sage

No escaping if I tried

 Sage goes for the door.

Though these maidens might seem kind

 Red and Yellow get into a big fight.

There's something going on behind

 Blue just watches.

They looked so sad and lonely

 Sage sees Red stab Yellow then herself.

I sold my soul for poetry

 Two traumas for the price of one!

This hell is members only

Why did I say Okie-Doki




Well I'm back at school again

 Sage just starts at a desk this time.

Monika's my only friend

 Zoom out to show Blue's sitting aross from her

Monika's my everything

 Zoom out more. Just empty desks.

My beginning and my end

 One more zoom. The classroom is way bigger now. And theres just so many desks.


  Zoom back in. Sage blinks out of something and speaks

Wait a second, weren't there other girls here?

No :]


roll call...?

Monika's aloof and kooky

Monika's sweet and cutesy

Monika's is deep and brooding

Monika's brains and beauty

Monika sees right through me

  So many cute and goofy Blue poses! Wow!

Monika's all that you need

Monika's all that you need

Monika's all that you need (all that you need, all that you need, all that you need)

  So many! They layer and glitch over top of each other!


I'm not an ugly guy

But I can't understand why

She'd be so utterly in love she'd leave her club mates to die

Monika's obsession is ominous to be honest

Omnipotent Goddess concocting demonic sonnets

I could delete her but I never could harm Monika

So I'm trapped here forever

Where's my harmonica?

 Sage fakes accepting her fate and actually manages to find her dagger.


Never thought I'd get a girl

Literally out of this world

Guess she controls the universe

Looks like it's just the two of us


Just the two of us

In this classroom in the sky

Crimes of passion are just fine

When enacted on AI

Just the two of us

Quite a drastic pick up line

Leaving characters to die

Just to guarantee you're mine

She seemed so sad and lonely

Don't think there's any hope for me

This hell is members only

Why did I say Okie Dokie?

Go back?