Sage Backstory told via Horse Ska

I'm probably responsible for like 1k of the views on this video, i love the molasses horse song. Also puppet history's God puppet matches Azzy's vibes So perfectly.


Well I'm a pretty happy horsey with a pretty perfect life

 Similar to the video, for this section there'll be a looping background with Sage bouncing to suggest walking. Like a muppet.

I'm thankful for my cloppy hooves and lovely horsey wife

 The part of horsey wife will be played by Seth, who fits extremely well in my opinion. Maybe represent cloppy hooves with eyes.

I prance my frilly horsey mane through every street in town

 Whipping her hair around

And past that big molasses tank that's structurally unsound

 Pause walking to soyjack point at Aaron, way in the distance. Ominously.

My brother has a kidney stone, I sure hope that it passes

 Trailer, he is "sick" but Sage is hopeful.

Unrelated, but one thing I don't like is molasses

 Sage doesn't like guns.

I just like singing horsey songs and jamming out to ska

 Yippeee dancing and singing

I think that if I keep it up, one day I'll be a star!

 Cute little pose

Well, every new day is the best day of my life or so it seems

 Full body shot, she is standing so happily in a crowded area, Seth is next to her

And for the record, today is January 15th, 1919

 Close again. I don't have a date for Sage's death sorry. To replicate the Dread, this shot will have Sage's wrist "tattoo" slip into view.

Oh, I'm gonna live forever-!

 Zoom out again. Sage has her arms out all yippee. Seth is behind her vaguely.

[Explosion] [Screaming] [Various cries of "IT BURNS" and "OH GOD"]

 Like a SINGLE frame of Seth getting shot and Sage going D: Vague chaos and violence. Sage dragging herself along the ground, holding her bleeding torso. Etc.


 wide shot of Sage yelling to the sky. switch to The Void (change from black lines and grey background to light lines and The Void)


Wait- whuh- huh?

 she is looking around frantic, confused. still on the ground.

Yo, what up.

 just appears. standing.

Who're you??

I'm God, ya banana head!

God? Look what happened!

 shows him her bloody hands

*laughing* I know, I did that. It's a molasses flood. You crazy for this one, God!

Y- but- Why?

I dunno, I'm a little freak! I can do anything I want! *laughing*

Well, can you get me out of this molasses?!

 gestures down at multiple bullet wounds.

Oh, no, uhm. *tsk* No...

But, I- I think I'm gonna die!

Oh, no no no, you're already dead.


Yeah, I know it's a lot to take in.

 so casual about this. so used to this.

Hey, just head on over to the light and we'll get you over to Horse Heaven, or I guess. Horse Hell, if you were like. A horse bigot or whatever.

 he gestures behind him at a door.

But there's so much I wanted to do!

Mm, yeah.

 doesn't care.

I wanted to eat more hay. Oh, I loved the way it crunched between my teeth.

 Apples instead of hay.

Oh yeah, I made hay. And teeth.

 he remembers teeth

If I could just smooch my horse wife Dorothy Ruth one more time... *weeping*

 Horse Wife Seth is back, just a little doodle of him perhaps.

Yeah, uh sure. A handsome gal. Thick, uh. Thick hooves.

 Azzy calling Seth thick?? 🤨

And I just- *gentle sobs* I-I just wanted to go clippy cloppy. Just one more day of clippy cloppin' *continued loud crying*

 so so sad and dramatic

Okay, well it seems like you need a little more convincing here,

So why don't you just follow along, and we'll see if we can't make you comfortable with your gelatinous demise, huh?

 Azzy crouches down to pat her on the shoulder in a weak attempt at reassurance.


I hate to tell ya, my fine equine, but it’s lookin like your numbers up

 patting turns into grab, yoinks her to her feet.

I know you’d love to stay around a-just a-little bit a-longer,

 arm around her shoulder, he knows the feeling

But your lungs are full of sticky muck

 pull up cartoon x-ray of Sage's yucky lungs.

So take a gallop with me toward eternity

 BIG ZOOM OUT on "eternity" to emphasis. The Void.

Forget about your earthly plight!

 Azzy trying to sell her on this. Sage thousand yard stare.

And put one hoof in front of the other in front of the other!

 kick line. rare appearance of Azzy's legs.

And clip clop into the light!

 jazz hands


But I'm gonna miss my family and my friends so much!

Were they horses that also lived near you in Boston?


Oh, then they're toast!

Really? :D

Yeah, I've got like 41 more goo-horses on my to-do list today.

 lying. none of the others are coming.

Oh. Well in that case:

 Sage accepts this as truth. Completely reassured.


I hope my wife died too, so I can see her soon

 I hope he died. I hope we both died.

(You will!)


And smooch her spooky horse-ghost lips

 shitty doodles for Sage's imagination. her and seth bonk heads together.



And stare into her gorgeous fucked-up oblong horsey pupils

 shitty doodles close up, eyeball to eyeball. seth with his weird circular human eyes.

As we drift into the vast abyss



 thumbs up.

I guess I’m ready to go into the great unknown

 maybe Void again

It’s been a lovely horsey life

I’ll put one hoof in front of the other in front of the other

 kick line. together......

And clip clop into the light!

 she is dead for real. she is fucked. dont worry about it.


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