sage eats an egg

Sage is the main guy, Yellow is the "good voice", and Red is the "devil".

Should I buy a brand new Corvette?

 Save your money and donate it, as fast as you can, to one of the many causes-

 You know people are starving, Sage. You know people are starving. You don't need a fancy Corvette.

Yeah, you're right.

  The deviled egg on the window sill.

  I don't know how long thats been there but you should eat that.

 Sage. I think you should listen to the good voice, me, and not eat a big stinky egg, or buy a-

Who knows how long thats been there.

 -or buy a silly Corvette- Who knows how long, that's my guy!


  Think about it.

  Why would there be a deviled egg on the window sill.

  If you weren't supposed to eat it.

 That makes no sense. So typically, eggs- Okay-

 So, they're going to spoil in a matter of, I'd give it 3 hours, um. If it were in the fridge.

  Dude, every second you wait, it gets worse-

Please. Please don't eat a deviled egg-

  -The safest thing is to eat it now, fast and hard.

Please don't eat a deviled egg that's been sitting in the sun. You are smarter than this. I mean like-

Smells bad.

 Of course it does.

  That means that the sun has disinfected it.

 That means that the sun has infected it. It is infested with the rot of yolk-

*egg eating sounds*


 Oh Sage, I'm so disappointed.


 Op- There is goes.

  Oh, you threw up right away.

 But this is good, this is a lesson-

  You threw up so fast.

 This is a lesson.

 Like a dog eating uh- an onion. Y'know what I mean. Or an avocado. What makes them sick?

  Now eat that second deviled egg.

 Don't- Don't do that.

 Why would there be two on a window sill- you already had the experience of barfing after the first one!

  Dude, it's so wet, it's ready to go!

*more gagging*

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