Xiphoid's red flags

Xiph and Vi go on a date


The date started off so well

 Establishing shot, they are at a robot resteraunt cause sure

Begin my night not expecting the fright of my life

 Vi is simply chilling on one side of the table

She was perfect from what I could tell

 Xiph is all smiley across from them

How could I not see the danger right in front of me

 Zoom on Xiph's sharp teeth


"My favorite food is fish"

 Naut reference

"Baby, that's my favorite too"

 We love Naut

"I love cartoon dogs"


"Baby, I love Scooby Doo"

 Vi would love scooby doo

"Hey girl, what's your favorite film?"

She said, "The best movie of all,"

 Xiph is immediately excited to share their answer

"A massive piece of art called:"

 Vi realizes Xiph is about to say something fucked up


"Human Centipede"

"Human Centipede"

I think that I'm gonna get murdered tonight.

 Vi goes :|

"Human Centipede"

"Not ironically"

She said, "The costume design was a highlight~"

 Xiph loves human practical effects

"I like it for the plot!"

"Tell me what the plot's about?"

"German doctor sews three people ass-to-mouth!"

 Xiph has a diagram about it


 Vi does not like the diagram

"Human Centipede"

Please god save me.

I think that's a Red Flag

 Xiph is poking at food with their knife hands. Neither of them are eating

I don't want to get stabbed

 More knife hand zoom


She said, "Human Centipede is a tour de force"

I think, holy shit I'm gonna be the main course.

 Vi is not listening they are looking for escape

She said, "I admire the narrative of character growth"

I try to get the waiter's attention by blinking in morse code

 they could probably just spell "help" on their screen eye

"Why are you blinking so much?"

"I've got something in my eye"

 just glitches, normal screen things

"Here, let me get it out"

 knife hands. they are a maintenance bot

"No thank you, I don't wanna die."

 put away thos knife hands

"Bonjour, sir was blinking at me, is this because your date is a Freak?"

 waiter is played by a Sangfroid bot, cause its a french word


 Xiph does the face


 Vi is lying so hard

"Very good then, Bon Appétit"


thats all

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